WIND ENERGY | History of Wind Energy, Wind Turbine, Wind Generators, Theory Of Wind Power, Characteristics of suitable wind power sites, Wind power scope in India

The wind turbine captures the wind’s kinetic energy in a rotor consisting of two or more blades mechanically coupled to an electrical generator. The turbine is mounted on a tall tower to enhance the energy capture. Numerous wind turbines are installed at one site to build a wind farm of the desired power generation capacity. Obviously, sites with steady high wind produce more energy over the year.
Winds are caused because of two factors.
(1) The absorption of solar energy on the earth’s surface and in the atmosphere.
(2) The rotation of the earth about its axis and its motion around the sun.
Because of these factors, alternate heating and cooling cycles occur, differences in pressure are obtained, and the air is caused to move. The potential of Wind energy as a source of power is large. This can be judged from the fact that energy available in the wind over the earth’s surface is estimated to be 1.6x107 K.W Besides the energy available is free and clean.
The problems associated with Utilizing wind energy are that:
(i) The energy is available in dilute form, because of this conversion machines have to be necessarily large.
(ii) The availability of the energy varies considerably over a day and with the seasons.

History of Wind Energy:

The wind has played an important role in the history of human civilization. The first known use of wind dates back 5,000 years to Egypt, where boats used sails to travel from shore to shore. The first true windmill, a machine with vanes attached to an axis to
produce circular motion, may have been built as early as 2000 B.C. in ancient Babylon. By the 10th century A.D., windmills with wind-catching surfaces having 16 feet length and 30 feet height were grinding grain in the areas in eastern Iran and Afghanistan.

The earliest written references to working wind machines in western world date from the 12th century. These too were used for milling grain. It was not until a few hundred years later that windmills were modified to pump water and reclaim much of Holland from the sea.

The multi-vane "farm windmill" of the American Midwest and West was invented in the United States during the latter half of the l9th century. In 1889 there were 77 windmill factories in the United States, and by the turn of the century, windmills had become a
major American export. Until the diesel engine came along, many transcontinental rail routes in the U.S. depended on large multi-vane windmills to pump water for steam locomotives.

In the 1930s and 1940s, hundreds of thousands of electricity producing wind turbines were built in the U.S. They had two or three thin blades which rotated at high speeds to drive electrical generators. These wind turbines provided electricity to farms beyond the reach of power lines and were typically used to charge storage batteries, operate radio receivers and power a light bulb.
The development of wind power in India began in the 1986 with first wind farms being set up in coastal areas of Maharashtra, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu with 55kW Vestas wind turbines. The capacity has significantly increased in the last few years. India has the fourth largest installed wind power capacity in the world following Denmark and US. In 2009-10 India had the highest growth rate amongst all four top countries.

Wind Turbine:

A wind turbine is a machine which utilizes the kinetic energy of wind to produce rotational mechanical energy in its shaft. The rotational motion of the shaft turns an electrical generator to generate electricity. There are mainly two types of wind turbine available one is the horizontal axis type another is vertical axis type.

Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine:

In Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine or HAWT the turbine rotor couples the electrical generator and this turbine generator set is placed on the top of the turbine tower. A wind sensor with servomotor keeps the axis of the turbine along the path of the wind. The turbines commonly have a gearbox in between the turbine shaft and the generator shaft. A wind electric power generating station uses three blades horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWT). Three blades design is more mechanically stable and can have less torque ripple. The blade-length may be from 20 m to 80 m and usually of bright white colored so that any aircraft can view comfortably.

Vertical Axis Wind Turbine:

There is another type of wind turbine which uses vertically aligned rotating shaft. We call this turbine Vertical Axis Wind Turbines or VAWTs. As it has the vertical axis, it does not have to align itself with the wind and hence using these turbines are more suitable where the direction of wind significantly varies. We can install this turbine even on the rooftop since the height of this turbine is much lesser than that of HAWT. Another significant advantage is that as the shaft is vertical, we can extend it to the bottom level where we can couple a generator with the vertical shaft with the help of ground-based gearbox which facilitates easier maintenance.
In spite of so many advantages over HAWT, we do not use VAWT for bulk power generation as the power output is quite less in VAWT compared to HAWT.


The Wind generator is an electrical device that converts mechanical energy received from the shaft into electrical energy. Normally, we use induction generators in modern wind turbines. Previously, synchronous generators were popular for this purpose. Permanent Magnet DC generator also used in some wind turbines. The speed of the shaft can be made high by using gearbox assembly, but we cannot make the shaft speed constant. There may be a fluctuation in shaft speed since it depends on wind speed. So, the speed of the rotor also varies. This variation affects the frequency, voltage of the generated electric power.
To, overcome these issues, we normally use an induction generator for the purpose. Because the induction generator always produces electric power synchronized to the connected grid irrespective of the speed of the rotor. If we use the three-phase synchronous generator, then we first rectify the output power to DC and then convert it to AC of desired voltage and frequency using inverter circuit. Because the alternating power generated by the synchronous generator is not constant in voltage and frequency, rather it varies with speed of the rotor. For the same reason, in some cases, we use a DC generator for the purpose. In these cases, the output DC power from generator inverted to AC of desired voltage and frequency, before feeding it to the grid.

Power Converter

As wind is not always constant, so electrical potential generated from a generator is not constant, but we need a very stable voltage to feed the grid. A power converter is an electrical device that stabilizes the alternating output voltage transferred to the grid.

Theory Of Wind Power:

For determining power extracted from wind by wind turbine we have to assume an air duct as shown in the figure.
Let the velocity of the wind at the inlet of the duct is V1 and velocity of air at the outlet of the duct is V2. Say, mass m of the air is passed through this imaginary duct per second.

Hence, the kinetic energy of wind changed, during the flow of this quantity of air from the inlet to the outlet of the imaginary duct is,

As we already said that, mass m of the air is passed through this imaginary duct in one second. Hence the power extracted from the wind is the same as the kinetic energy changed during the flow of mass m of the air from the inlet to the outlet of the duct.
We define power as the change of energy per second. Hence, this extracted power can be written as,
As mass m of the air passes in one second, we refer the quantity m as the mass flow rate of the wind. The mass flow rate will be the same at the inlet, at the outlet and as well as at every cross-section of the air duct. Since, whatever quantity of air is entering the duct, the same is coming out from the outlet.

If Va, A and ρ are the velocity of the air, the cross-sectional area of the duct and density of air at the turbine blades respectively, then the mass flow rate of the wind can be represented as
                      m= ρ.A.Va
Now, replacing m by ρVaA in equation (1), we get,

As the turbine is assumed to be placed at the middle of the duct, the wind velocity at turbine blades can be considered as average velocity of inlet and outlet velocities.

To obtain maximum power from wind, we have to differentiate equation (3) in respect of V2 and equate it to zero. That is,

From, the above equation it is found that the theoretical maximum power extracted from the wind is in the fraction of 0.5925 of its total kinetic power. This fraction is known as the Betz Coefficient.

Characteristics of suitable wind power sites:

There are 5 key characteristics of a good wind power site

1. A high average wind speed: Typically the site would be on top of a hill or in a wide open space with no obstructions nearby.

2. Sufficient separation from noise-sensitive neighbours: Modern wind turbines are remarkably quiet, but even so there are very stringent maximum noise levels that have to be met to obtain planning consent. The minimum separation varies depending on the turbine size.

3. Good grid connection: All of the wind turbines that we supply require a suitable three-phase electrical supply to connect to. As a rough guide you will need an 11 kV transformer or substation that is roughly double the rated power output of the wind turbine you are considering, or an 11 kV three-phase power line passing close to the wind turbine site that can have a new transformer / substation connected to it.
The larger multi-MW turbines could grid connect to 33 kV power lines, though generally it is too expensive for sub-1MW wind turbine projects to connect at such a high voltage.

4. Good site access.:Wind turbines are large and heavy, so the access roads and tracks to the site need to be capable of taking oversize loads with no weak bridges, excessively tight corners or steep gradients. Obviously as the proposed turbine gets larger, the size of the constituent parts that have to be delivered get larger and the access requirements more stringent. The smaller Endurance 55 kW turbine is delivered on standard articulated lorries, but all of the others come on special oversize trailers.

5. No special environmental or landscape designations: A lot of the older objections to wind turbines due to bird strikes have now been shown to be unfounded, but even so it would be good practice to not install a wind turbine(s) in an area that had special bird designations. Peat bog is also generally a no-go area for wind turbines.

Wind power scope in India:

Wind power development in India began in the 1986 with first wind farms being set up in coastal areas of Maharasahtra (Ratnagiri), Gujarat (Okha) and Tamil Nadu (Tuticorin) with 55 kW Vestas wind turbines.
The capacity has significantly increased in the last few years and as of 31 Aug 2016 the installed capacity of wind power in India was 27,676.55 MW, mainly spread across the South, West and North regions. Although a relative newcomer to the wind industry, compared with countries such as Denmark or the United States, by year end 2015 India (27151 MW) had the fourth largest installed wind power capacity in the world  behind China (158000 MW), USA (74696 MW) and Germany (47420 MW), having overtaken Spain  (22987 MW) in 2015.

Wind power accounts nearly 8.6% of India's total installed power generation capacity and generated 28,604 million Kwh (MU) in the fiscal year 2015-16 which is nearly 2.5% of total electricity generation. The capacity utilization factor is nearly 14% in the fiscal year 2015-16 (15% in 2014-15). 70% of wind generation is during the five months duration from May to September coinciding with Southwest monsoon duration.

The potential for wind farms in the country was first assessed by Dr. Jami Hossain using a GIS platform to be more than 2,000 GW in 2011. This was subsequently re-validated by Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory, US (LBNL) in an independent study in 2012. As a result, the MNRE set up a committee to reassess the potential and through the National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE, previously C-WET) has announced a revised estimation of the potential wind resource in India from 49,130 MW to 302,000 MW assessed at 100m Hub height. The wind resource at higher Hub heights that are prevailing is possibly even more. In the year 2015, the MNRE set the target for Wind Power generation capacity by the year 2022 at 60,000 MW.
India has already concentrated towards the offshore wind energy for mitigating the power deficit. The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India is framing the policies and looking towards all the possibilities to reach in the offshore energy market. A complete and accurate analysis is being done for the Indian shoreline which reveals that around 5–7% of wind potential may increase along eastern offshore


Initial cost for wind turbines is greater than that of conventional fossil fuel generators and capacity expansion of existing hydro power plants with pumped storage hydro units.
Most of the wind power generation is during the south west monsoon season when rivers usually flood with water generating cheaper secondary hydro power. Scheduling the wind power which is unpredictable secondary power (even on daily basis), at fair price is a problem during monsoon season.
When large wind power plants are located away from the load centers, laying dedicated transmission lines to evacuate the unreliable secondary wind power is additional cost liability.

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