Some Terms:
1. Circuit. A circuit is a closed conducting path through which an electric current either flows or is intended flow.2. Parameters. The various elements of an electric circuit are called its parameters like resistance, inductance and capacitance. These parameters may be lumped or distributed.
3. Liner Circuit. A linear circuit is one whose parameters are constant i.e. they do not change with voltage or current.
4. Non-linear Circuit. It is that circuit whose parameters change with voltage or current.
5. Bilateral Circuit. A bilateral circuit is one whose properties or characteristics are the same in either direction. The usual transmission line is bilateral, because it can be made to perform its function equally well in either direction.
6. Unilateral Circuit. It is that circuit whose properties or characteristics change with the direction of its operation. A diode rectifier is a unilateral circuit, because it cannot perform rectification in both directions.
7. Electric Network. A combination of various electric elements, connected in any manner whatsoever, is called an electric network.
8. Passive Network is one which contains no source of e.m.f. in it.
9. Active Network is one which contains one or more than one source of e.m.f.
10. Node is a junction in a circuit where two or more circuit elements are connected together.
11. Branch is that part of a network which lies between two junctions.
12. Loop. It is a close path in a circuit in which no element or node is encountered more than once.
13. Mesh. It is a loop that contains no other loop within it.
Resistance (Click Here)
Ohm's Law (click here)